The surreality in the wake of “1234”s success continued with an appearance on Sesame Street, reimagining the song as an educational tool. At 100 million views, it is the most watched video of Feist and the 2nd most watched Sesame Street video ever.
The surreality in the wake of “1234”s success continued with an appearance on Sesame Street, reimagining the song as an educational tool. At 100 million views, it is the most watched video of Feist and the 2nd most watched Sesame Street video ever.
“We were all raised by ‘Sesame Street’; you’ve got to respect that. What’s funny though is having to give myself over to the education side of things; there was a diction coach there the day I had to record it, and the focus was on being ex-treme-ly clear in my pronunciation. She was amazing, she’d been the educational diction director of Sesame Street for 48 years or something.
Walking onto the street scene of the set was very much an optical illusion. Like coming home in a dream, or something. All the Muppets were around, the they told us not to take pictures of them ‘when they weren’t awake.’ I think was the term they used for when they aren’t actually on a puppeteer’s hand. Don’t take pictures of the puppets while they’re asleep because they’re just hanging on a nail, inert. They had Snuffleupagus hanging with a big oil cloth over him from the rafters. Big Bird was hung over a rafter. They looked dead.”