The video, directed by Anthony Seck and co-created by Seck and the Old Trout Puppet Workshop, parallels the melancholy of Feist’s song with the visual telling of a fairytale-like story about an old fisherman and his wife, who paces her lighthouse home when he is late for his supper. He is caught in the doldrums, and becomes the hapless target of a monstrous fish. “Honey Honey” went on to win the Juno for Video of the Year in 2009.
The video, directed by Anthony Seck and co-created by Seck and the Old Trout Puppet Workshop, parallels the melancholy of Feist’s song with the visual telling of a fairytale-like story about an old fisherman and his wife, who paces her lighthouse home when he is late for his supper. He is caught in the doldrums, and becomes the hapless target of a monstrous fish. “Honey Honey” went on to win the Juno for Video of the Year in 2009.